Matt Kons and Kelly Berrall
July 22, 2000
The Day
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RSVP Online
If you have been sent a formal invitation, we invite you to RSVP online. We will receive an e-mail with your answers to the questions below. We will try to e-mail you a confirmation that we have recevied your RSVP as well, but depending on how busy we are, it may be a couple of days. Thank you for RSVP-ing!
Your Name
(first and last please)
Names of Attending
(first and last please)
Number attending ceremony?
Number attending Davian's reception?
Meal Choice for Davian's Reception:
(Put the number of people in your party who want each entree in the box to the left of the meal choice. If you would like to read more about the entree click on the choice.)
Chicken en Croute
Dietary Restrictions
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"Love, all alike, no season knows, nor clime, nor hours, days, months, which are the rags of time."
- John Donne
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