Matt Kons and Kelly Berrall July 22, 2000  
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California Dreamin' Photo Album

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Just inside Yosemite - surreal
Just inside Yosemite - surreal

Half Dome and half gone
Half Dome and half gone

You guys look like fish
You guys look like fish

El Capitan - I think?
El Capitan - I think?

Deer crossing
Deer crossing

Kelly Kons - nature photographer wanna-be
Kelly Kons - nature photographer wanna-be

Sittin' around
Sittin' around

Lovely Ladies
Lovely Ladies


Glamour Shot - Bridgett
Glamour Shot - Bridgett

Glamour Shot - Beth
Glamour Shot - Beth


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"I don't want to live - I want to love first, and live incidentally."
- Zelda Fitzgerald


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