Matt Kons and Kelly Berrall July 22, 2000  
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Honduras Photo Album

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Happy eaters (4/8/02)
Happy eaters (4/8/02)

View from the side of the church (4/9/02)
View from the side of the church (4/9/02)

Santiago sanding up high (4/9/02)
Santiago sanding up high (4/9/02)

A good story (4/9/02)
A good story (4/9/02)

Looking down from the stairs (4/10/02)
Looking down from the stairs (4/10/02)

From the balcony (4/10/02)
From the balcony (4/10/02)

Sean and Wilmer mixing cement (4/10/02)
Sean and Wilmer mixing cement (4/10/02)

Roberto, mi hermano en Cristo (4/10/02)
Roberto, mi hermano en Cristo (4/10/02)

Strong work! (4/10/02)
Strong work! (4/10/02)

Leslie moving bricks (4/10/02)
Leslie moving bricks (4/10/02)

Go Leslie! (4/10/02)
Go Leslie! (4/10/02)

Wednesday evening with the kids (4/10/02)
Wednesday evening with the kids (4/10/02)

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"Love is everything. It is the key to life, and its influences are those that move the world."
- Ralph Waldo Trine


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